13 Things To Do On a Night In

A few weeks ago Hayden and I were home on a Friday night with nothing to do. We wanted to do something together, but it was raining and there aren’t many indoor places to go for fun in the evening where we live aside from bars. And bars a) aren’t really our scene (breweries, yes, bars, eh), and b) I’m pregnant. So, Hayden asked the question: “What can two 20-somethings do on a night in?” Here are 13 ideas!
- Play a game. Be it board game, card game, video game, a game of strategy – there are a number of possibilities!
- Work on a puzzle. Depending on the number of pieces, this one could keep you busy for hours!
- Watch a movie. Whether it’s a movie that’s been on your list or a cheesy movie you wouldn’t normally watch. Bonus: Make popcorn. And if you’ve never tried making stove-top popcorn, this is the perfect time to try something new! (Trust me, it’s worth it. Waaayyy better than microwave – and healthier too!)
- Bake something. This is what Hayden and I ended up doing actually! We made these healthy banana chocolate chip muffins from Fit Foodie Finds (we subbed gluten-free flour for whole wheat).
- Do a yoga video together. When we were dating, this is something Hayden and I would do ALL the time. We love Yoga With Tim on YouTube.
- Read a book. Or magazine. Or cookbook. Or a passage from the Bible and talk about it.
- Build a better beverage. Make a unique latte (probably decaf unless you’re planning to stay up suuuper late) or hot cocoa. The other day I came across recipes for both of these using peanut butter! I would never have thought of that, but especially for hot cocoa it makes total sense! Or try your hand at creating cocktails.
- Build a board. A cheese board perhaps if you are feelings snacky? Try making one that’s really pretty!
- Build-A-Bear? Kidding. But do those still exist??
- Have a spa night and/or give each other massages.
- Get crafty. Another activity Hayden and I did when we were dating (or even before we started? I’m not sure) was paint Bob Ross paintings together by watching one of his how-to videos. It was quite comical – especially considering how different our, ehem, works of art turned out. It could be painting, coloring, woodworking, sewing, crocheting, making something useful, etc. And who knows, maybe one night of boredom turns into an Etsy business?!
- Have an indoor picnic. It can make dinner at home more exciting!
- Hold a contest. I’ll give you a couple examples of what I mean. So, my family has gone on a summer vacation to the same place in Maine every year. This particular place has a bunch of fudge shops, so often times we’d have a fudge tasting. We’d get the same flavors from each shop and see which one we liked best that year. So whether it’s some type of local food or beverage like this, or something from the grocery store, a food contest is fun! Peaches popped into my head too. As I write this, peaches are in season and there’s about 5 different types at the store! I usually buy the cheapest one, but what if we’re missing out on the best tasting peaches and they’re actually worth $2.99?? Who knows, better have a tasting contest!
Another example is something Hayden and I did with our friends one morning. We have multiple ways to make coffee (honestly, probably too many). What can I say though? We love coffee! So one day we had this idea to figure out which way made the BEST tasting coffee. Was it drip coffee from the pot? Espresso from the stove? French press? Pour over? We made a bunch of coffees and held a blind taste test! It was quite fun.
A contest could also be something physical or crafty. Such as who can hold the longest plank or wall sit, or make the best baked good or drawing? Oh there’s another idea. Trying a handful of recipes for the same type of food, like chocolate chip cookies. I swear, every food blogger claims to have “The BEST Chocolate Chip Cookies.” Seriously, that’s always the title I always see, and I’m sure they’re all very good, but surely they can’t ALL be the best, right? Time to find out I’d say! Ooh, or a speed cookie or cake decorating contest? The possibilities are endless on this one! - Create a space for connection and intimacy (which can be on an emotional and/or physical level). Light candles, sit with each other, turn off your phones, and talk about life, experiences, desires, goals, etc. Get to know your partner more than you thought you did before.
And that’s 13 Ideas! Well, there’s 14 listed here, but I’m not counting #9, unless you do really want to go to Build-A-Bear! What are some things you’ve done on a night in? Comment below!
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